Tuesday 8 June 2010

The Ballad, Book & CD

The book of the poems and CD of the original score of The Ballad is available to buy, published by Spike (Liverpool), £15. Poems and music by Rebecca Joy Sharp, artwork and design by Elizabeth Willow. ISBN 978-0-946057-93-1

For sale at News from Nowhere bookshop, Bold Street, Liverpool and at Octopi on Renshaw Street, Liverpool.

Also available from Rebecca at most solo gigs: www.rebeccajoysharp.com/diary

Or by contacting Spike:
Liver House,
96 Bold Street,
L1 4HY

Email: dw.windowsproject@btinternet.com
Tel: 0151 709 3688

Monday 17 May 2010

Friday 14 May 2010

Wonderful audiences...

Every night sold out so far, just a few tickets left for Saturday matinee and evening.

Here are just a handful of the wonderful comments we have received from our audiences so far... A testament to everyone involved.

"This was one of the most beautiful and magical performances ever in the history of performance!"

"The beautiful atmosphere of the event touched my humanity."

"I was transported."

"Entertainment on another plane."

"It made me want to create and invent."

"A most inventive and atmospheric, quirky, passionate and unique event."

"It was wonderful to have the performance with the everyday life of the station happening all around. There were times when I felt the performance unified everyone. The beautiful words, performances, attention to detail, the lovely music, the care of the conductors and maids. Thank you!!"

"The music was really lovely, I could have curled up listening to it and fallen asleep."

"I am delighted."

...Three more shows to go...

Wednesday 12 May 2010


The Ballad is selling out...! Tickets still available for Friday night, Saturday matinee (accessible and signed version) and Saturday night.

Book in advance with News from Nowhere bookshop, Bold Street Liverpool.

From the Art in Liverpool blog, by Ian Jackson:

'...From the moment you arrive and hand your ornately inscribed ticket to the conductor in his top hat and long black coat you enter a bygone era, reminding us again that this is the oldest passenger station in the world. It was opened in 1836 and the characters Juniper and Sonny have inhabited the place ever since, or is it just a rumour, an urban myth, they may even be pigeons.

I was lost in the magic... and the beauty.'

Tuesday 11 May 2010

First night

With a successful preview in the bag last night, the official first night is tonight (Tuesday)... Tickets selling fast and capacity is limited, so be sure to contact News from Nowhere (Bold Street, Liverpool) to get yours. In person, or by calling 0151 708 7270.

More press today - feature in the Glasgow Herald.


Friday 7 May 2010

Thursday 6 May 2010

Media previews...

Liverpool Daily Post, Thursday 6th May -

'Promising to be one of the most extraordinary shows of the year...'

Full article:


And - on BBC Radio Merseyside's Folkscene, Rebecca chatting with Geoff Speed, as well as a little of the music...

95.8FM, Tuesday 11th at 9pm.

Thursday 29 April 2010


Follow the link to hear a few of the tracks that will feature in the live performance and the recorded soundtrack.

Song of a rock-dove,
The Scattered Lad,
In the seams of sleep (for Elizabeth).

Composed by Rebecca Joy Sharp. Performed by Anna Boggon (flute), Mikey Kenney (violin), Rebecca Joy Sharp (lever harp) and Matthew Wood (accordion and mandolin).
Recorded by Rob Whiteley at Whitewood Recording Studios, Liverpool.


Thursday 15 April 2010

Tickets on sale now

Tickets for The Ballad are now on sale!

Available from:

News from Nowhere bookshop
96 Bold Street
L1 4HY

Tel. 0151 708 7270

£7 full price, £5 concession.

Tuesday 11th - Saturday 15th May 2010, at 7.30pm.
A signed and wheelchair accessible matinee performance on Saturday 15th May, at 2.30pm.

An Exclusive (and Fancy) Tearoom will be open for half an hour before and after each show. A book of the text and CD of the score will be available to buy after each performance.

Tuesday 23 March 2010


The Ballad is generously supported by the Arts Council England Lottery Fund and METAL Culture.

Friday 5 February 2010


Rebecca Sharp:

Elizabeth Willow:

Can be reached by telepathy, letters left in certain places, the right kind of pigeon...



The Ballad of Juniper Davy and Sonny Lumiere is a magical tale of invention and industry, hide and seek, love, mischief and dark imaginings.

The Ballad... is a series of poems written by Rebecca Sharp.
On 11th - 15th May 2010, it will be presented as a site-specific promenade performance at Metal at Edge Hill Station in Liverpool UK. It will also feature a musical score by Rebecca Sharp and the whole performance will be brought to life in the visual creations and curiosities by the fine artist Elizabeth Willow.

Juniper and Sonny arrive separately to the Station when it opens in 1836. Attracted to the tunnels, shadows and dust, here they may conceal their strangeness, get lost in the noise.

Juniper longs to be a pigeon, her hands made claw-like in an accident. She seldom speaks, but carries a collection of silver whistles instead - her true 'voice' is that of the poetry.

Sonny is fascinated by illusions and makes experimental inventions using found objects.

They fall in love and work together, gathering materials and creating contraptions, unseen except for the tricks and gifts they place around the Station. They become rumour, urban myth, a dash in the corner of your eye, their names on the tip of your tongue.

They survive, 'in the steam of machines / in the seams of sleep'.

I found him fraught
with claws
and diabolic portions.

Found him feathered -
seen-to by a toothed machine.

My rattling love,
as pigeon wing.

I did not know his name.

All text (c) Rebecca Sharp 2010